2020-05-04 18:19 编辑:向香寒
篇一:Time Capsule
Johnson went to the Hunan Provincial Museum yesterday and shocked by the splendid Chinese Culture.The Mummified corpse left him a great imprssion.Some picture are following below,which are the TIME CAPSULE from the past!
A time capsule is a historic cache of goods and/or information, usually intended as a method of communication with people in the future. Time capsules are sometimes created and buried with much hoopla during celebrations such as a World Fair, cornerstone laying for a building or other event. They can also be unintended caches such as at Pompeii. The phrase "time capsule" has been in use since about 1937, but the idea is as old as the earliest human civilizations in Mesopotamia.
篇二:Time Capsule
In 1983, at the close of the International Design Conference in Aspen, Steve Jobs buried a time capsule with his friends.
Many attendees contributed various items, like a Rubik's cube, and even a Moody Blues recording.
But because the late Apple co-founder donated the Lisa mouse he'd used during his presentation at the conference, it has become known as the "Steve Jobs Time Capsule."
During that speech, Jobs seems to ha一ve predicted a slew of future technologies, including the iPad, wireless networking, and even Apple's App Store.
篇三:Time capsule
Time change me a lot.So below the time capsule,you can follow with me,to ha一ve a look my change.
When I was born,I am a happy guy.All the neighbours like me,they said:she is beautiful,cute.I look ha一ve a little fat.(You should be say:scaphium scaphigerum.)Ha ha.And six years old,I lea一ve my home with my mother.I ha一ve no idea what will happen,but I know everything will change to my life in the future.
The time capsule to help us to be the people in warm,to be knowed the god tell us what.You are so cute,you know,you are unique.
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