2018-04-06 20:57 编辑:郦访旋
获纽约《特尔菲卡》杂志“中国最优秀短篇小说奖”、长篇自传体小说《饥饿的女儿》曾获台湾1997年《联合报》读书人最佳书奖;被中国权威媒体评为2000年十大人气作家之一;2001年评为《中国图书商报》十大女作家之首,被《南方周末》、新浪网等评为202003年中国最受争议的作家;《K——英国情人》被英国《独立报》(INDEPENDENT)评为2002年Books of the Year十大好书之一。《饥饿的女儿》被台湾选为青少年自选教材。美国伊利诺大学(University of Illinois)2008年年度书。
2005年获意大利“罗马文学 她的长篇《K》被法院判“淫秽”罪禁书,是中国现代史上第一次,《南方周末》评为2002年年度“争议”人物。
女子有行(Far Goes the Girl) (1994) Taiwan: Erya Press 1996 Mainland China: Jiangsu Literary Press 1997 Vietnam: Phuong Nam
背叛之夏(Summer of Betrayal) (1995) Meulenhoff, Holland, 1997 Tiden Norsk, Norway, 1997 De Seuil, France, 1997 Bloomsbury, UK, 1997 Farrar Straus & Giroux, US, 1997 Krueger, Germany, 1997 (paperback by Aufbau 2004) Mondadori, Italy, 1997 Aoyama, Japan, 1998 Plaza & Janes, Spain, 1998 Gyldendal, Denmark, 1998 Norstedts, Sweden, 1998 Livros do Brasil, Portugal, 2001
饥饿的女儿(Daughter of the River) (1997) Taiwan: Erya Press, 1997 Mainland China: Sichuan Literary Press, 1999 (Relaunched by Lijiang Press 2001, Relaunched by Zhishi Press, 2003) Holland, Meulenhoff, 1998 UK, Bloomsbury, 1998 Italy, Mondadori, 1998 Australia, Allen & Unwin, 1998 US, Grove/Atlantic, 1999 Sweden, Norstedts, 1999 Norway, Tiden Norsk, 1999 France, De Sueil, 1999 Isreal, Kinnernet, 2001 Denmark, Politik Forlag, 2001 Finland, Otava, 2001 Greece, Govostis, , 2002 South Korea, Hangilsa, 2005 Japan, Shuei-Sha, 2005 Bertelsmann Media, Poland, 2005 Kruger, 2001; paperback by Aufbau, Germany, 2006 Planeta, Spain Vietnam, Phuong Nam
A Lipstick Called Red Pepper: Stories and Novellas (1993-1998) Edition Cathey, Bochum University Press, 1999
K (1999) Taiwan, Erya Press, 1999 Mainland China, Huashan Press, 2001 (Relaunched by Spring Breeze Press, 2003) Holland, Meulenhoff, 2000 Sweden, Norstedts, 2001 UK & US, Marion Boyars, 2002 (Paperback bought by Transworld) France, De Seuil, 2003 South Korea, Hangilsa, 2004 Germany, Aufbau, 2004 Greece, Metaichimo, 2004 Italy, Ganzanti Libri, 2004 Spain, Grup 62, 2004 Slovenia, Pluto, 2005 Kineret, Isreal, 2005 JLX Publishers, Hungary, 2005 Vietnam, Phuong Nam Kasander Film Company signed Film Option, December 2003
阿难(Ananda 2001) Mainland China: Hunan Literary Press, 2001 (Relaunched by Zhishi Press 2003) Taiwan: Unitas Press, 2002 Vietnam: Phuong Nam
孔雀的叫喊(The Peacock Cries 2002) Mainland China: Zhishi Publishing House 2003 Taiwan: Unitas Publishing House 2003 English: Marion Boyars, 2004 Germany: Aufbau, 2005 Italy: Garzanti, 2006 Vietnam: Phuong Nam Holland:De Geus
上海王(Lord of Shanghai 2003) Mainland China: Changjiang Literary Publishing House, 2003 Taiwan: Nine Songs Publishing House, 2003 Film adaptation purchased by Sherwood Hu, 2003 TV adaptation right purchased by Tongdao Film Company, 2003 Germany: Aufbau, 2006 South Korea: Hangilsa, 2006 Italy: Garzanti
绿袖子(The Green Platye 2004) Mainland China: Shanghai Literary Press, 2004 Taiwan: Nine Songs Press, 2004 Vietnam: Phuong Nam
上海之死(Death in Shanghai 2005) Taiwan: Nine Songs Press, 2005 Mainland China: Shandong Publishing House, March 2005 Hairun Film Company signed film/TV double contract, March 2005 South Korea: Hangilsa, 2006 Vietnam: Phuong Nam
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