他爱你 正因如此他接受你的刀
2018-04-04 00:50 编辑:晋以菱
他要你伤他,刺他, 把他捣毁成片,消耗他仍然发热的身体。
每天早晨 每天晚上你们重复这面粉游戏。
作者 / [斯洛文尼亚] 阿莱西·希德戈 翻译 / 明迪 选自 / 《事物之书》
KRUH Vsakič te zapelje v
skušnjavo postati gospod, Ki se hrani z drobtinicami pod služabnikovo mizo.
Vabi te, da mu narediš zlo, ga zabodeš, Razrežeš na kose, použiješ njegovo še toplo telo.
Brez sramu se ti prikazuje gol kot ob stvarjenju. Perverznež je.
Provocira te z vzdržnostjo. A ti se mu daješ in daš.
In vsako jutro In vsak večer ponavljaš mokasto igro.
Ustvaril te je kot sežigalnico svoje krivde.
Ko te nasiti, spregovoriš in si takoj še bolj lačen.
Da, da, ljubi te, zato tudi sedaj sprejema vase tvoj nož.
Ve, da se vse njegove rane zdrobijo v tvojih rokah.
Aleš Šteger Bread Every time, he leads you into temptation to become a gentleman Who feeds on crumbs under his servant’s table.
He asks you to do him harm, for you to stab him, To shred him to pieces, consume his still warm body.
Without shame he appears to you naked as at Creation. He is a pervert. He provokes you with abstinence.
But he is being given you and you give.
And every morning And every evening you repeat the floury game.
He made you into a crematory of guilt. When he feeds you, you speak and instantly are more famished.
Yes, yes, he loves you, that is why he accepts your knife.
He knows that all his wounds crumble in your hands.
Ales Steger Translated by Brian Henry
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